RubyKaigi 2013

RubyKaigi 2013


[EN] You have to test multiple versions of your gem's dependencies. You used Appraisal. It's super affective!

So, it seems like you've finished writing your awesome gem. However, are you sure that your gem is working perfectly against multiple versions of its dependency? Are you sure that you didn't break any backward compatibility? In this talk, I'm going to show you the approach we have been taken to test our gems against multiple versions of dependencies, such as testing against Rails 3.2 and Rails 3.1. I'm also going to introduce you to our gem called "Appraisal" which helps you generating Gemfiles to be used with Bundler, and also guide it to running your test suite against those multiple Gemfiles. Lastly, I'm going to show you how you can config Travis CI to test your gem against those multiple versions of dependencies.

Recorded Video

You have to test multiple versions of your gem's dependencies. You used Appraisal. It's super affective! from rubykaigi on Vimeo .

Presentation Material(s)

Prem Sichanugrist / @sikachu

Prem Sichanugrist


Prem started using Ruby and Ruby on Rails since 2007 and fell in love with it. He started contributing to Ruby on Rails and several projects around it in 2009 and becoming a pretty well-known open source contributor.

Boston, USA