
Martin J. Dürst
Martin is a Professor of Computer Science at Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan. He has been one of the main drivers of Internationalization (I18N) and the use of Unicode on the Web and the Internet. He published the first proposals for DNS I18N and for NFC character normalization, and is the main author of the W3C Character Model and the IRI specification (RFC 3987). Since 2007, he and his students have contributed to the implementation of Ruby, mostly in the area of I18N.
Regular Expressions Inside Out
Regular expressions are a very important part of the toolkit of every Ruby programmer. This talk will help improve your understanding of regular expressions, including how to use them from Ruby, and how they are implemented. Examples will include things Ruby can do but other programming languages can't, huge regular expressions, substitutions that change as we go, and performance improvements for future Ruby versions.