
Michael Milewski
Michael Milewski
  • @saramic

Developer keen on the people side of things. I love pairing, I love coding with people new to writing software and especially driving out software with tests. I am about scaling development through the team and their practices. I love new technology and the challenge of assimilating to how my pair wants to write code and together we should be greater then just the sum of the parts.

Selena Small
Selena Small
  • @selenasmall88

Selena is a full-stack software developer at Fresho! in Melbourne, Australia. As a self-taught coder, she has become particularly passionate about testing and writing beautiful code. In her spare time, she is a nak muay ying, a professional kickboxer.

Ruby vs Kickboxer - the state of MRuby, JRuby and CRuby

In the midst of COVID pandemic lockdowns, a Muay Thai kickboxer reached out for the only sparing partner left that she could compete with, Ruby. Is it possible to fight Ruby? Is it possible to create a hardware sparing robot running Ruby and integrated across the web to track her training progress as well as verse her coding pair in battle of real vs virtual fighting? Come on a journey of ups and downs and the state of MRuby for hardware dev, JRuby running on mobile and CRuby for the backend.

Presentation Materials

Recorded video