Ruby is not the fastest language in the world, there is no doubt about it. This doesn't turn out to matter all that much – Ruby and its ecosystem has so much more to offer, making it a worthwhile tradeoff a lot of the times.

However, you might occasionally encounter workloads that are simply not suitable for Ruby. In this talk, we will explore building a native extension with Rust to speed up parts of Rails. (No prior experience with Rust required!) What does Rust has to offer in this scenario over plain-old C? Let's find out!

Recorded video


Yehuda Katz
Yehuda Katz
Yehuda Katz is one of the creators of Ember.js, a member of the Rust Core Team, and a retired Ruby on Rails and jQuery Core Team member. His 9-to-5 home is at the startup he founded, Tilde Inc.. There he works on Skylight, the smart profiler for Rails, and does Ember.js consulting. He's best known for his open source work, which also includes having created projects like Thor, Handlebars and Bundler. He travels the world doing open source evangelism and web standards work.
Godfrey Chan
Godfrey Chan
Godfrey Chan is a member of the Rails core team and a contributor to various open-source projects. He works at Tilde Inc, splitting his time between building Skylight and open-source consulting. In his previous life, he was also an award-winning WordPress™ plugin author.