
Masatoshi SEKI
Masatoshi SEKI
Masatoshi Seki is a Ruby committer and the author of several Ruby standard libraries including dRuby, ERB, and Rinda. He’s an expert in object-oriented programming, distributed systems, and eXtreme programming. He has been speaking at RubyKaigi every year since 2006 when the Kaigi first started. He is also Senior Engineer at Canon Medical Systems corp.
Tatsuya Sonokawa
Tatsuya Sonokawa
Tatsuya Sonokawa is a programmer developing medical devices at Canon Medical Systems, team Seki. He has been learning Ruby from Seki since 2019.
dRuby in the real-world embedded systems.

We will report an example of using dRuby and CRuby (not mruby) in embedded software for small medical devices. In this talk, we will discuss the architecture of our products.

Presentation Material

Recorded video