Lightning Talks *No translation provided for this session
Recorded Video
Lightning Talks from rubykaigi on YouTube .
[JA] Practical factory_girl
factory_girlを代表とするFixture Replacementライブラリによって、柔軟なテストデータの準備が容易にできるようになりました。
しかしながら、Fixture Replacementの使い方を知るだけでは、変化し続けるプロダクトに合わせてテストデータをメンテナンス可能な形で更新し続けるのは困難です。
[EN] Native Libs and Gems on Heroku with Hammer
Deploying apps to Heroku that require native [system] libraries or Ruby native extensions can seem like a complex task, but with the [not well documented] tool "hammer" and knowing how to compile native extensions/gems and vendorize them it's actually quite simple! This lightning talk will give a quick run through of the process, from start to finish, of how to quickly get native libs and gems up and running on Heroku.
- Name
- Rei Kagetsuki
- Company
- Genshin Souzou K.K. CEO
- Bio
Open Source developer and GPL believer. Weapons of choice include Ruby and C++. I also do AR/MR and Device development. When not making or developing I play with cars and do technical driving (I drive a GT86; circuit, drift, gymkhana).
[JA] ofruby - Ruby running on the iPhone
mrubyで作ったiPhone上で動くグラフィックプログラミング環境のofrubyを紹介します。 openFrameworksをmrubyを使ってiPhoneアプリに組み込みました。 iPhoneやiPadさえあれば誰でもRubyを使ってマルチメディアプログラムを作ることが出来ます。
- Name
- ongaeshi
- Company
- Programmer
- Bio
Open source programmer. I'm making the software will be fun programming. I am making the ofruby and the Milkode of source code search engine, now.
[JA] Keep Freedom on Ruby - A magical world, 'Diversity'
Consistency is import in coding. But I generally want to write code as I want at the time. With Ruby that's easy, but sometimes we are asked to write code in a unified manner. I’ll talk about the conflicted feeling at those cases and some solution patterns.
- Name
- Yasuko Ohba
- Company
- President of Everyleaf Corporation
- Bio
A programmer using Ruby on Rails. Wrote and translated some books on Ruby.
[JA] 10th anniversary of Rubyist Magazine
Rubyist Magazine is web-zine about Ruby programming language in Japanese from 2004. So that this year 2014 is great 10th anniversary of Rubyist Magazine. We will show you the 10 years history of Rubyist Magazine.
- Name
- Rubyist Magazine editors
- Bio
Rubyist Magazine is a web-zine of the Rubyist, by the Rubyist for the Rubyist. We can continue 10 years because of many contributors. This activity is a part of Nihon-Ruby-no-Kai.
[JA] Let's try mruby's edge cases
mrubyはおおむね安定している。しかし、まだ、あまり利用されていないエッジケースに遭遇すると、時に問題にぶつかることがある。 mruby本体ではなく、mrbgemsを利用していると、mruby本体よりさらに問題にぶつかりやすい。 今なら、高度なことをしなくても、あまり利用されていない機能や設定を利用するだけで、簡単に問題を見つけ、mrubyに貢献することができる。 実際に、エッジケースで利用して遭遇した問題を例に、今がmrubyに貢献するチャンスであることを示す。
[JA] Probabilistic model for inspirations and significance of programming
「発想」「アイデア」などと呼ばれる概念は謎に包まれています。この発表では確率モデルを用いてこの概念について考察し、 何故我々がコードを書き続けねばならないのか、プログラミングの技術を磨かなければならないのか、について考えます。 確率モデルといっても簡単なものですし数学ジョークのようなものなので気楽に聞いてください。
- Name
- Ippei Obayashi
- Company
- Project Researcher, Dept. of Math., Kyoto University
- Bio
Developer of Ruby/SDL, rurema, and some numerical computation softwares for ruby. A mathematician making a study on dynamical systems. I began to use Ruby in the late 1990s, and it is my favorite language.
[JA] R/W splitting in Rails
データベースの R/W splitting を行う方法が標準では用意されていない Rails で R/W splitting を行うために switch_point を作り、実際に で利用しています。 その switch_point について、設計ポリシーや実装について話します。
[EN] Invitation for v1.0.0
Releasing gems as version 1.0.0 is very hard for many library or product owners! We know that our software products have many bugs, and also does not have enough features. But we should release v1.0.0, I think. In this session, I'll talk about the reason why we should release v1.0.0, and about my experience after v1.0.0 of my product.
[JA] How the RSpec team and I built the smooth upgrade process for RSpec 3
Sometimes frameworks need to introduce breaking API changes to keep growing in the future. However users may suffer from adapting their codebase to the new API, while developers don't hope so.
The RSpec core team and I tackled this problem. We made the upgrade process for RSpec 3 very smooth by a combination of an upgrade-specific version and an automatic code conversion tool.
I'll talk about how we've done it and a knowledge from the experience.