Schedule Sep 18 Hall A Hall B 9:30 Door Open 10:15 Opening (Shintaro Kakutani) 10:30 CRuby Committers Who's Who in 2014 [JA] Tomoyuki Chikanaga 11:00 Keynote Building the Ruby interpreter -- What is easy and what is difficult? [JA] Koichi Sasada 12:00 LUNCH BREAK 13:30 Symbol GC [JA] Narihiro Nakamura Controller Testing: You’re Doing It Wrong [EN] Jonathan Mukai-Heidt 14:00 Eliminating Giant VM Lock in Ruby through Hardware Transactional Memory [JA] Rei Odaira Continuous Delivery at GitHub [EN] Robert Sanheim 14:30 Cores unleashed Part II: Introduction to GobiesVM (and Software Transactional Memory) [EN] Szu-Kai Hsu (brucehsu) What's wrong with your app? [EN] Keiko Oda 15:00 COFFEE BREAK 15:30 Non-Linear Pattern Matching against Unfree Data Types in Ruby (Egison Pattern Matching in Ruby) [JA] Satoshi Egi Introduce Oracle enhanced adapter for ActiveRecord, another choice for your Rails database. [JA] Yasuo Honda 16:00 Inside RubyMotion for Android [EN] Laurent Sansonetti Hypermedia: the Missing Element to Building Adaptable Web APIs in Rails [JA] Toru Kawamura 16:30 JRuby 9000 Project Update [EN] Thomas E. Enebo "Gem of this Week" - building culture and making gem [JA] Takumi Miura 17:00 BREAK 17:30 Ruby committers vs the World 19:00 PARTY Sep 19 Hall A Hall B 9:30 Keynote Coming soon... [JA] Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto 10:30 Extreme Makeover: Rubygems Edition [EN] André Arko A Just in Time compiler for CRuby (CRuby言語処理系向けJITコンパイラ) [JA] Masahiro Ide 11:00 Archeology of Ruby: Removed Features (Ruby 考古学 消された機能編) [JA] Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA Deep down fixtures [EN] Prathamesh Sonpatki 11:30 <%= link_to "bundle", "update" %> - Make "bundle update" more fun to review [EN] Kensuke Nagae Going the Distance [EN] Richard Schneeman 12:00 LUNCH BREAK 13:30 MRuby as Development Platform for Payments [EN] Thiago Scalone, Daniel Rodriguez RailsGirls: Not Only For Girls [EN] Haruka Iwao 14:00 Open the door of embedded systems to IoT! mruby on LEGO Mindstorms EV3 ® [JA] Takehiko YOSHIDA The Twelve-factor Ruby 「Ruby を良くするための12のポイント」 [JA] Hiroshi SHIBATA 14:30 Scalable deployments - How we deploy Rails app to 100+ hosts in a minute [JA] Shota Fukumori (sora_h) Sweaters as a Service [EN] Amy Wibowo 15:00 COFFEE BREAK 15:30 Resource Control Architecture scripting with mruby for a Web Server Separating Computer Resources Virtually at Each HTTP Request [JA] MATSUMOTO Ryosuke Write ruby code to change ruby code [EN] Richard Huang 16:00 ServerEngine: a framework for multiprocess servers in Ruby [JA] Masahiro Nakagawa 7 years of Ruby & Rails with the same web site [EN] Zev Blut, Kevin Griffin 16:30 Kids, Ruby, Fun!: Introduction of the Smalruby and the Ruby Programming Shounendan [JA] Kouji Takao, Nobuyuki Honda Power Assert in Ruby [JA] Kazuki Tsujimoto 17:00 BREAK 17:30 Lightning Talks Sep 20 Hall A Hall B 9:30 Ohayō Rails (おはよう Rails) 11:00 Speeding up Rails 4.2 [JA] Aaron Patterson ROM Hacking with Ruby [EN] Andrew Culver 11:30 Practical meta-programming in Application [JA] Kyosuke MOROHASHI Streaming Processing in Camera Remote API [EN] Jian Weihang 12:00 LUNCH BREAK 13:30 Everything is Broken: A Story of Hope [JA] Jonan Scheffler Reish, an unix shell for rubyist. [JA] Keiju Ishitsuka 14:00 Fluentd Hacking Guide (Fluentd ソースコード完全解説) [JA] Naotoshi Seo 8bit Game Development With Ruby [EN] Kei Sawada 14:30 The Ruby Challenge [EN] Prem Sichanugrist The role of ruby in the single page app. [EN] Matthew Werner 15:00 COFFEE BREAK 15:30 Scaling is hard, let's go server shopping! Or, How we scaled Travis CI, and helped Open Source at the same time. [EN] Josh Kalderimis Walking around ruby forest more deeply [JA] YUKI TORII 16:00 Make your own synchronization mechanism. [JA] Masatoshi SEKI tending the ruby ecosystem [JA] zzak 16:30 Three Ruby usages - High-level interface, Glue and Embedding - Inside Droonga [JA] Kouhei Sutou 17:00 BREAK 17:30 Keynote Ruby 2.1 in Production [EN] Aman Gupta 18:30 Closing (Shintaro Kakutani)