
We're the Ruby Core -- AMA *No translation provided for this session

Greetings rubyists! We are the ones who develop ruby.

With more ruby-core committers than anywhere else on the planet, RubyKaigi presents a great opportunity to ask these core committers the burning questions on your mind. At Ask Me Anything, core committers including matz will get on stage to answer any questions you have.

We can't answer questions without questions to answer, so please tweet them tagged with #ama and #rubykaigi. We will search for these tags beforehand and answer them at the Kaigi. We can't guarantee we will have time to answer all questions, but we promise we will try our best!

Ruby Committers vs. the World を開催します!会場に集まるコミッターに質問できるまたとないチャンスです。

今年は事前に質問を募集することにしました。ハッシュタグ #ama #rubykaigi をつけて質問(日本語 OK) していただくと、会場にてコミッターが回答させていただきます。尺の都合で全部とはいきませんが、できるだけ返答できるようにしたいと思います。


Recorded Video

Ruby Committers versus the World from rubykaigi on YouTube .

Ruby-Core committers


Ruby-Core committers are all volunteers. They are just a handful of people who have been given access to push to the canonical ruby repository. We want you to be a member of this group as well! Start by sending us your pull request.

Looking forward to answering your questions on stage!

Around the world.