
[JA] Everything is Broken: A Story of Hope

I once trusted the dream of a secure internet. I gleefully entered my card number when I saw a green lock, genuinely believing that I was safe in my force field of encryption.

This is the story of how that dream died, and how we're going to get it back.

Through the eyes of a simple web request we'll explore the life cycle of a secure transaction including DNSSEC, TLS/SSL, HSTS, EDH and a long list of other technologies. We'll talk about how we might mitigate attacks like Heartbleed, and prepare for what comes next.

Come rebuild the dream with me. You'll be surprised by what you learn.

Recorded Video

Everything is Broken: A Story of Hope from rubykaigi on YouTube .

Jonan Scheffler

New Relic
Job title
Ruby Agent Engineer

Jonan Scheffler is a Ruby developer from Portland Oregon.
In 1998 he spent a year living in Aomori as a Rotary Youth Exchange student.
He is anxious to practice his Japanese and welcomes conversation, go say hello!

United States