Title: Using Adhearsion to Voice Enable your Ruby Applications
Jason Goecke(Partner at Adhearsion)
Adhearsion (http://adhearsion.com) is a Ruby-based framework, installable as a gem, that provides a comprehensive development environment for developing voice enabled applications using a jargon free DSL. Further, Adhearsion integrates with Rails in various ways, extending Rails seamlessly into the voice world. We will provide an overview of why Adhearsion was created, how it works and then provide a tutorial on developing your first application.
July 17, 2009
Conference Room(2nd Floor)
Speaker Profile
Jason is the operationalizer, organizer, co-pilot, co-evangelist and lead business developer of Adhearsion. He brings extensive experience in telecoms and enterprise call centers having been an original employee of the leading CTI company, Genesys, where he is an inventor on multiple patents. He enjoys his family, sailing and of course all that is technology.