Title: Ke-tai Site (Web Site for Japanese Cell Phone) Development with Ruby, Rails
Tomoya Narita, Kei Hamanaka (NIFTY Corporation)
We show the development methods of Ke-tai Site at NIFTY corp.
July 18, 2009
Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall
Speaker Profile
Tomoya Narita NIFTY Corportaion portal system engineer. I am taking charge of development of common platform system for mobile service through the web site development direction, CMS system development and the development trial with Ruby/Rails(@nifty TimeLine) charge now.
Kei Hamanaka NIFTY Corportaion portal system engineer. I am taking charge of development of common platform (CMS, Search, and access analysis, etc.) system for PC/mobile service through the service planning and the design direction charge now.