Title: Sequel: SQL in Ruby
Jeremy Evans
If you deal with relational databases at all, you deal with SQL. Sequel gives you the full power of the SQL language using a pure ruby syntax, increasing your productivity. I will be giving a brief history of ruby relational database libraries, and explain the advantages that Sequel offers over previous approaches. I will go over Sequel's design and implementation, and show how Sequel makes writing your SQL queries easier. I will show how Sequel's DSL works in detail, and how Sequel's knowledge of SQL at an object level offers unique advantages. Finally, I will review some advanced features of Sequel and how they allow scalability in the face of complexity.
July 18, 2009
Conference Room(2nd Floor)
Speaker Profile
Jeremy Evans has been the maintainer of Sequel since March of 2008, and has been programming in ruby since early 2005. He has developed numerous ruby libraries and programs such as ThirdBase (a replacement for the standard ruby Date/DateTime classes), Scaffolding Extensions (multi-web framework, multi JS-library, multi-ORM database administrative front end), and ruby-style (a clustering and availability program). Jeremy has contributed to numerous open source projects, such as DC++, BitTorrent, Rack, Ruby on Rails, and Sinatra. Jeremy is also a developer of Aqualung, an open source audio player written in C. He works in Sacramento, CA, USA for a small government agency.