Head First "Ordinary" System Development
Eiwa System Management, Inc.
We, Eiwa System Management, Inc. are one of the cutting-edge Ruby/Rails company in Japan. We're proud of presenting our way on building Rails application. @pragdave says "agility is part of the fabric of Rails." in his book Agile Web Development with Rails.
However, we need a little bit more tools to improve our Rails projects in the real world. In this sub event, we'll give you live-demo, some commentary on what agile software development is and discussion with audiences.
Keywords: Agile Software Devleopment, Test Driven Development, Scrum, Pivotal Tracker, Ruby on Rails, Bundler, RSpec, Steak, Git, Capistrano
2010-08-27 16:00 - 18:00
Speaker Profile
Spoken Language
Presentation Material
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