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Lightning talks 2


Lightning Talks are 11 x 5minutes talk in a 60 minutes time slot

  1. Agile UX Live Report #TODO , Tetsuya Tarumoto (Agile UCD ja)
  2. The world without the literal notation for floating-point numbers. #TODO , Kenta Murata (GeneticLab Co., Ltd.)
  3. BioRuby -- bioinformatics library #TODO , Naohisa Goto (Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University)
  4. More Ruby for a newcomer programmers #TODO , Yuumi Yoshida (EY-Office inc.)
  5. Between the community and the study group #TODO , Mitsutaka Mimura (takkanm)
  6. define_method define_method #TODO , Ippei OBAYASHI (Dept. Math., Kyoto University/KMC)
  7. It is accounting (SOROBAN)! that it is insufficient in Rubyist. #TODO , FUKUI Osamu (iRubySystems co.,LTD.)
  8. ActiveLdap works with Rails3.1 now! #TODO , Hidetoshi Yoshimoto (Mercury Brain Systems co. ltd.)
  9. MmapScanner #TODO , Tomita Masahiro (Nagano Software Engineer Group(NSEG))
  10. pebbles: A namespace for joke gems Just like the Acme namespace in Perl's CPAN, I propose that we use the namespace "pebbles" for joke gems so that we don't pollute the RubyGems namespace. , Hiromu Shioya (DWANGO Co., Ltd / tobe-tobe)
  11. C die hard. C will not die. It will revive. , Satoshi GUNJI (Asakusa.rb)

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Tetsuya Tarumoto

Kenta Murata

Naohisa Goto

Yuumi Yoshida

Mitsutaka Mimura



Hidetoshi Yoshimoto

Tomita Masahiro


Hiromu Shioya

Satoshi GUNJI



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