The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake on March 11th caused devastating impact across Japan. However, there were numerous efforts amongst Japanese hackers to help the disaster hit areas. Throughout this talk, I will explain what kind of activities occurred right after the earthquake, and will discuss what we can do as Rubyists to help the people affected by the disaster. The talk will be done in English.
Presentation Language

Makoto Inoue
New Bamboo
Rubyist living in London since 2004 (though did not know about Ruby when I was in Japan. Sorry..) ex-DBA(Sybase). Gave a talk "Building real time web" at RubyKaigi 2010 . Working under translation team of http://sinsai.info , earthquake information mapping site. Currently translating dRuby book into English (due to be published under pragpub)

Hal Seki
Cirius Technologies inc, Geo Republic Japan, OSMFJ, sinsai.info
CEO of Georepublic Japan, a company providing gis-development service using open source software. He have been working as a geo developer over five years. He has been organizing one of biggest free conference for Geoweb services in Japan over three years.