
Julian Cheal
Julian Cheal
  • @juliancheal
A British Ruby/Rails developer, with a penchant for tweed, fine coffee, homebrewing, and deploying enterprise clouds.
Eric Weinstein
Eric Weinstein
  • @ericqweinstein
Eric Weinstein is the author of Ruby Wizardry (No Starch Press), an illustrated guide to the language for children. He enjoys writing Ruby, Clojure, Elixir, Idris, and Swift.

Do Androids Dream of Electronic Dance Music?

AI is everywhere in our lives these days: recommending our TV shows, planning our car trips, and running our day-to-day lives through artificially intelligent assistants like Siri and Alexa. But are machines capable of creativity? Can they write poems, paint pictures, or compose music that moves human audiences? We believe they can! In this talk, we’ll use Ruby and cutting-edge machine learning tools to train a neural network on human-generated Electronic Dance Music (EDM), then see what sorts of music the machine dreams up.

Recorded video