Lightning Talks
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How does TruffleRuby work
Working for LINE Fukuoka 主に眠い

Invitation to Dark Side of Ruby
OSS developer/maintainer: Fluentd, Norikra, MessagePack-Ruby, Woothee, and many others mainly about Web services, data collecting and distributed/streaming data processing. Living in Tokyo, and working for Arm Treasure Data.

Automatic Differentiation for Ruby
Cloud Platform Engineer at Exosite. Ruby lover. Full-stack developer. Organizer of Swift Taipei. FP lover.

From Emperors to Zombies: Ruby from Unicode 10 to 12.1
Martin is a Professor of Computer Science at Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan. He has been one of the main drivers of Internationalization (I18N) and the use of Unicode on the Web and the Internet. He published the first proposals for DNS I18N and NFC character normalization, and is the main author of the W3C Character Model and the IRI specification (RFC 3987). Since 2007, he and his students have contributed to the implementation of Ruby, mostly in the area of I18N.

From ㍻ to U+32FF
Currently, I work for Money Forward, Inc. I develop accounting cloud service which is named "マネーフォワード クラウド会計(MoneyForward Cloud Kaikei)" with Ruby. For me, Ruby is a programming language which I enjoy from the bottom of my heart when coding and was able to start my career as a programer.

Dive into middleware with mruby
Ruby committer.

VXLAN VTEPs with Ruby
SRE at Cookpad Inc. Interested in IP network and systems. NOC at AS59128 KMC. Also a Ruby committer, and NOC & Organizer at RubyKaigi.

Write ETL or ELT data processing jobs with bricolage.
He is a data engineer works for Cookpad Inc. remotely.

Applying mruby to World-first Small SAR Satellite
President and representative director (CEO) at iQPS Inc. Ph.D. in Engineering, Kyushu University Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics From May 2008 to November 2014, QSAT-EOS Project leader (Directed satellite development and launching). Participated in more than 10 satellite projects conducted by universities, companies, and JAXA.

How to Make Bad Source

The TracePoint Bomb!
Koichi ITO is an OSS Programmer, a member of RuboCop's core developers team, a committer of Active Record Oracle enhanced adapter, and Community Manager at ESM, Inc. He is a practitioner of Ruby/Rails application development with eXtreme Programming for over 10 years.

Make Ruby Differentiable
CRuby committer. CRuby stable branch maintainer. Programmer at Groovenauts, Inc.