Keynote Speakers

The Creator of Ruby

CRuby Commiter CRuby stable branch maintainer.

Jeremy Evans is the lead developer of the Sequel database library, the Roda web toolkit, the Rodauth authentication framework, and many other Ruby libraries. He has contributed to CRuby and JRuby, as well as many popular Ruby libraries. He is the maintainer of Ruby ports for the OpenBSD operating system.

Aaron is on the Ruby core team, the Rails core team, and the team that takes care of his cat, Gorby puff. Someday he will find the perfect safety gear to wear while extreme programming.

I have been doing software testing for more than 12 years. For the last 5 years, I help to improve the quality in Toptal, the largest fully distributed high-skilled workforce in the world. Contributor to Mozilla. A developer of Watir. Selenium committer and maintainer of selenium-webdriver gem.

Author of the Ruby runtime for AWS Lambda. Maintainer of the AWS SDK for Ruby.

A programmer with interest in language development: worked as a web developer, loves open source, currently works on development tools. Loves language design and compilers, contributed to Elixir, currently contributing to Nim.

Amir Rajan is a pretty decent dev and is constantly trying to improve in his craft. He’s a jack of all trades, being comfortable with a number of platforms and languages. Last but certainly not least, Amir is the creator of A Dark Room iOS. This RPG conquered the world and took the #1 spot in the App Store and placed in the top #10 paid apps across 70 countries. It has been downloaded over 2.5 millions times and is a staple game in the App Store with over 25,000 five star reviews.

Brings a lot of Ruby applications to the devastating lands of production and enforcing them work for the all humanity benefit and causing happiness among users. Currently conquer the Earth together with all the Evil Martians forces. Resistance is futile!

I am the head of security research at Twistlock. I do security with a special affection for the Ruby language.

Charles works on JVM languages at Red Hat.

Maintainer of RubyGems and Bundler.

Colin Fulton is a frontend developer and web accessibility specialist for Duo Security, a division of Cisco in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Colin is amazed and amused that it took significantly more character to write this simple bio than it did to implement Conway's "Game of Life" in Ruby.

Emily works at Elastic where she maintains the Ruby client and the Rails integrations gems. She is also an adjunct faculty of Columbia University and has taught courses on databases and web development. Although originally from New York, Emily currently lives in Berlin where she likes running long distances and making ceramics.

Genadi is a Ruby developer from Sofia, Bulgaria. Ruby on Rails contributor and the maintainer of the web-console gem.

Gio comes from Jakarta whom currently works for GO-JEK as systems engineer. GO-JEK is a hyperlocal startup from Indonesia that listed in Fortune as company that are changing the world (http://fortune.com/change-the-world/2017/go-jek/). Gio organizes some meetups in Jakarta, including ruby.id and jakartajs.org. He also loves to take part as mentor in bootcamps or workshops. His interest includes programming languages and developer automation.

I was born and raised in Fukuoka. My body is made of Tonkotsu-Ramen 🍜 I'm a maintainer of rubicure, Itamae, chatwork-ruby and many many OSS. I'm engineer of pixiv.inc. I'm working as like a SRE (web application, infrastructure and CI engineer). Pretty Cure is my life, and Cure Peace is my wife💛

an assistant general manager of mruby Forum. an embedded system division manager of SCSK Kyushu corp. Hiromasa Ishii , mruby contributor ,has been working with Matz from the begging of the mruby itself development,and now is focusing on spreading mruby through NPO activities.

A member of Ruby core team. He maintains RubyGems, Rake, rdoc, psych, ruby-build, etc. and He is an administrator of ruby-lang.org and supports to develop the environment of Ruby language. He is also Executive Officer in GMO Pepabo, Inc. His most interest things are “Productivity” He believes, there's business value in fun. The team member happiness can make valuable products.

A programmer of Monstar Lab at Matsue (AKA Ruby City) office

A self proclaimed "types enthusiast," Jake enjoys learning how type systems can help bring clarity and focus to large codebases. He works on the Sorbet core team at Stripe where he brings his experience with types and programming languages to help make engineers more productive every day.

Repro inc. CTO Ruby/Rails Programmer

Justin Searls is on a mission to find the root causes that have led to most software being buggy, unpleasant to use, and hard to maintain. He cofounded Test Double, an agency of like-minded consultants who join client teams to write great code while making software better for everyone.

CRuby Committer

Kazuki Tsujimoto is an infrastructure engineer at Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. He is also a CRuby committer.

Kazuma Furuhashi is a programmer and the author of Charty, a visualization library for Ruby. A member of Asakusa.rb, Red Data Tools and working at Speee Inc.

A full-time CRuby committer at Speee Inc. I'm currently focusing on making Ruby a data-science-ready programming language.

Kevin is a software developer living in Boston. He is currently serving as the CTO of CultureHQ, a startup in Boston based on making workplace community better. In his spare time he plays music, breaks the Ruby virtual machine, and drinks good New England beer.

Kevin is a researcher at Oracle Labs where he works as part of a team developing TruffleRuby, a high performance Ruby implementation. He’s been involved with the Ruby community since 2008 and has been doing open source in some capacity since 1999. In his spare time he’s a father of two and enjoys playing drums.

Koichi Sasada is a programmer, mainly developing Ruby interpreter (CRuby/MRI). He received Ph.D (Information Science and Technology) from the University of Tokyo, 2007. Now he is still working on MRI development at Cookpad Inc. He is also a director of Ruby Association.

He is a free software programmer and the president of ClearCode Inc. He is also the namer of ClearCode Inc. The origin of the company name is "clear code". We will be programmers that code clear code as our company name suggests. He is interested in how to tell other programmers about how he codes clear code.

A Ruby newbie

I'm a software architect and engineer working with Castle.io. I have experience in a wide variety of business applications built using multiple Ruby frameworks. I’m particularly interested in code quality assurance and the way it affects the software development process. I’m an active OSS contributor and maintainer of various projects including Karafka – Framework used to simplify Apache Kafka-based Ruby applications development.

Masatoshi Seki is a Ruby committer and the author of several Ruby standard libraries including dRuby, ERB, and Rinda. He’s an expert in object-oriented programming, distributed systems, and eXtreme programming. He has been speaking at RubyKaigi every year since 2006 when the Kaigi first started.

Masayoshi Takahashi is an old-time Rubyist and the founder of Nihon Ruby no Kai, a non-profit Ruby community in Japan. He is also the founder of Tatsu-Zine Publising, the e-book publisher for IT engineers in Japan.

By day a Rails developer for Buildkite, a CI service that executes your tests on your own machines, by night, Matthew is a Rails Developer -- a member of Rails Core since 2015, with light fingerprints throughout the framework.

Mostly Ruby/Rails hacker that tries to OS everything. Maintaining about 100 gems and involved in many more repos, working with ruby professionally since 2007. Senior staff engineer at Zendesk.

Mike McQuaid is a senior engineer at GitHub where he works from home in Edinburgh. At GitHub he works on improving the quality of internal and external software whilst attempting to automate himself out of the job. Outside of work, he is the lead maintainer of the Homebrew package manager for macOS, author of Git in Practice (published with Manning) and has contributed to a wide array of other open source projects including KDE and the Linux kernel.

The author of Cumo, CUDA aware numerical library for Ruby. CRuby, Fluentd, and Chainer committer working at ZOZO Technologies, Inc.

Nate is the owner of Speedshop, a Ruby on Rails performance consultancy, and the author of The Complete Guide to Rails Performance. Nate has taught Ruby and Rails performance skills in workshops all over the world, and is a contributor to several open source projects, such as Ruby on Rails, Puma and Sentry. His favorite Japanese musical artists are 山下 達郎, 角松 敏生 and カシオペア.

Noah is a Ruby Fellow for AppFolio, working on Ruby performance and related tooling. He wrote the book "Rebuilding Rails" about understanding Rails as "really just Ruby."

A Ruby committer

ruby on rails engineer

Paolo is the author of two books for the Pragmatic Programmers: Metaprogramming Ruby, and the upcoming Programming Machine Learning. He’s been a developer for a long time, ranging from embedded to enterprise software, computer games, and web applications. He's got a base camp in Bologna, Italy.

Lifelong nerd and engineer. Nowadays he works at Stripe mostly on developer productivity and infrastructural components like rate limiters, core abstractions, large code refactors and language design. In the past he helped build HHVM and Hack at Facebook, worked on the Open Graph and changed your search results to not just be 10 blue links.

Petr is a researcher at Oracle Labs where he works as part of a team developing a high performance Ruby implementation called TruffleRuby. He is the maintainer of concurrent-ruby, a tool-box of concurrency abstractions for Ruby, a 60th most downloaded gem. He is a happy Ruby user for 10 years.

Founder & Software Architect at Treasure Data, Inc. "Sada" is an enthusiast for open-source software design that helps adoption of distributed systems in production. His software list includes MessagePack, Fluentd, Embulk, and Digdag. GitHub: https://github.com/frsyuki

Sam Phippen is a lead maintainer of the RSpec testing framework. He's been writing Ruby for just about a decade, and still remembers 1.8.6. He's sad that he can't hug every cat.

I am a software engineer, and I am motivated by the beauty I uncover when building complex systems.

Software engineer at Cookpad Inc.

Full Stack Software Engineer at Square Inc. living in San Francisco. I am passionate about software that delivers both great customer and developer experience. Outside of work I am a coffee enthusiast and painter.

Engineer at Ubiregi, Inc.

The Creator of Textbringer, a Ruby committer, Director of Network Applied Communication Laboratory, and Secretary general of the Ruby Association

Soutaro is a software engineer working for Sider, using his time to develop program analysis for code review automation.

Optimizing Ruby's JIT compiler and maintaining Haml and ERB. Senior Software Engineer at Arm Treasure Data.

Ruby committer, Researcher of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)


Thomas Enebo co-leads the JRuby project. He has been passionately working on JRuby for many years. When not working on JRuby, he is writing Ruby applications, playing with Java, and enjoying a decent beer.

I run BoltOps, a consultancy focused on software and infrastructure on AWS. Have a few open source tools: * Jets: Ruby Serverless Framework http://rubyonjets.com/ * UFO: ECS Deployment tool http://ufoships.com/ * Lono: CloudFormation Framework http://lono.cloud/ * Sonic: Swiss army knife tool http://sonic-screwdriver.cloud/ Been lucky enough to been recognized as an AWS Hero. Here's my LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tongueroo Ultimately, I'm a Ruby developer at heart.

Rubyist, containers enthusiast, system programming novice. One of the writers of books "Perfect Ruby" / "Perfect Ruby on Rails" (both in Japanese). He lives in Fukuoka - the "coast" city of "west" Japan, works at GMO Pepabo, Inc. as R&D/Dev Productivity Engineer, and holds Fukuoka.rb local meetup. He also is a organizer of RailsGirls Fukuoka #1 and Fukuoka RubyKaigi 02.

Money Forward, Inc. hire Shyouhei, a long-time ruby-core committer, to contribute to the whole ruby ecosystem. Being a full-time ruby-core developer, his current interest is to speed up ruby execution by modifying its internals. Doing so is not straight-forward because of ruby's highly dynamic nature. To tackle this problem he is implementing a variety of optimisation techniques that are yet to be applied to it.

Vladimir Makarov is a software developer. His major interests lay in algorithms, programming languages, compilers and JITs. Vladimir finished Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and got his PhD in computer science in Russian Academy of Sciences. Last 20 years he has been working on GCC in RedHat. Vladimir started his work on Ruby MRI in 2015. His MRI projects are new hash tables and ongoing implementation of new VM instructions and JIT. Vladimir lives in Toronto, Canada.

Everlasting student · Rails Core Team · Ruby Hero · Freelance · Live lover

Software engineer at Retrieva inc. Author of Hyalite which is react like virtual DOM library. Member of Asakusa.rb, Chidoriashi.rb

"nora" mrubyist. A member of Team Yamanekko. A member of TOPPERS Project.

The author of Red Chainer. I'm working at Mercuri Inc. Red Data Tools project member.

'A full-time MRI committer at Cookpad, Inc. He has been interested in testing, analyzing, abusing of Ruby. He is an advocate of "transcendental programming" that creates a useless program like this bio. (`_`)'.then{|s|eval(t=%q(puts"'#{s.sub(?_,?_+?_)}'.then{|s|eval(t=%q(#{t}))}"))}

A Ruby programmer from Shimane, Japan. Designer of Enumerable#lazy. Author of 『Rubyでつくる奇妙なプログラミング言語』("Making Esoteric Programming Languages with Ruby").

Zahary is member of the core compiler team of the Nim programming language. He joined the project 7 years ago, hoping that one day Nim will surpass C++ in usage and popularity. His career started as a game engine developer, where he learned how to push the modern hardware to its limits, but eventually he went to become the first Nim hire at Status.im, where his team is building Nimbus: an Ethereum 2.0 Sharding Client for Resource-Restricted Devices.