
Peter Zhu
Peter Zhu
  • @peterzhu2118

Peter is a Ruby core committer and Senior Developer at Shopify. He is currently working on improving the performance of Ruby by optimizing the memory layout through the Variable Width Allocation project. He is the author of ruby_memcheck, a gem used to find memory leaks in native gems. It has found memory leaks in popular gems such as Nokogiri, protobuf, gRPC, and liquid-c.

Automatically Find Memory Leaks in Native Gems

Ruby apps are known to leak memory which causes performance degradation. This eventually results in the system running out of memory and killing the Ruby process. Often, this is caused by a buggy native gem that forgot to clean up unused memory. It's time to fix this problem. Introducing ruby_memcheck, a gem that automatically finds memory leaks in native gems, powered by Valgrind Memcheck.

In this talk, we'll discuss memory leaks, the Valgrind Memcheck tool, and how ruby_memcheck works.

Presentation Material

Recorded video