Keynote Speakers

A newbie committer to Ruby, Swift, and LLVM, especially working on WebAssembly support for the languages. Also an undergraduate CS student at Waseda University.

The Creator of Ruby

Alan is a Ruby committer and a member of the Ruby and Rails infrastructure team at Shopify. Alan mostly speaks English even though in university he took Japanese lessons.

Staff Engineer @ Shopify from Montreal, living and working in Japan. I'm the author of Mobility, a pluggable translation framework for Ruby, and committer to many open-source projects including Rails.

I am currently working on rubyapi.org, previously core maintainer of RubyGems and Bundler.

Fu-ga is a Rubyist born and raised in Saitama, Japan. He works as a WEB Application Engineer at ESM, Inc. Now He is interested in and practices Ruby static types.

A developer at ClearCode Inc. Fluentd Committer.

A member of Ruby core team. He maintains RubyGems, Rake, rdoc, psych, ruby-build, etc. and He is an administrator of ruby-lang.org and supports to develop the environment of Ruby language.

I love to work on Ruby performance and that's how I ended up at Datadog where I'm building a new production open-source Ruby profiler.

Jemma Issroff works on Shopify's Ruby Infrastructure team. She is also a co-founder of WNB.rb, a women and non-binary Ruby community, a co-host on The Ruby on Rails Podcast and the author of Ruby Weekly's Tip of the Week. She has been working on an implementation of Object Shapes in CRuby and is excited to share it with you!

Jeremy Evans is a Ruby committer who focuses on fixing bugs in Ruby. He the lead developer of the Sequel database library, the Roda web toolkit, the Rodauth authentication framework, and many other Ruby libraries. He is the author of "Polished Ruby Programming". He is the maintainer of Ruby ports for the OpenBSD operating system.

CRuby Committer

Chief Research Officer at XICA Co., Ltd. A committer of CRuby and Apache Arrow, and a member of Red Data Tools. A developer of pycall.rb, charty, unicode_plot.rb, enumerable-statistics, etc. A maintainer of bigdecimal.

Kevin is a staff engineer at Shopify, based out of Boston, Massachusetts. He is passionate about music and open-source software.

Hi there! I'm a senior staff engineer at Zendesk, working on the performance and reliability of our Rails monolith. I'm the author of the ruby_memprofiler_pprof gem, an experimental attempt to track Ruby memory via the newobj/freeobj tracepoints. I live in Melbourne, Australia.

Koichi Ito is a member of RuboCop core team and Engineering Manager of ESM, Inc. He is a longtime practitioner of Ruby/Rails application development with eXtreme Programming.

Koichi Sasada is a programmer, mainly developing Ruby interpreter (CRuby/MRI). He received Ph.D (Information Science and Technology) from the University of Tokyo, 2007. Now he is still working on MRI development at Cookpad Inc. He is also a director of Ruby Association.

Software engineer at ESM, Inc. 👾

Masatoshi Seki is a Ruby committer and the author of several Ruby standard libraries including dRuby, ERB, and Rinda. He’s an expert in object-oriented programming, distributed systems, and eXtreme programming. He has been speaking at RubyKaigi every year since 2006 when the Kaigi first started. He is also Principal Engineer at Canon Medical Systems corp.

Matt is a Senior Developer at Shopify, working in the Ruby Infrastructure team. He's been working on improving CRuby since 2020 and is currently focused on memory management and garbage collection.

Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert obtained a PhD in compiler design at the University of Montreal in 2016, where she developed Basic Block Versioning (BBV), a JIT compiler architecture optimized for dynamically-typed programming languages. She is currently leading a project at Shopify to build YJIT, a new JIT compiler built inside CRuby.

Web application developer. Rubyist. Member of Asakusa.rb & Fukuoka.rb. Was a speaker at RubyKaigi Takeout 2021 ("Toycol: Define your own application protocol")

Software engineer at CyberAgent, inc.

Nick is a Senior Production Engineer at Shopify on the Ruby and Rails Infrastructure Team. He digs into Ruby lore frequently with the PastRubies newsletter. Nick has worked on projects with Ruby to help forecast pain for individuals with chronic illness and assist in communications during a natural disaster.

Super Engineer Cat.

Peter is a Ruby core committer and Senior Developer at Shopify. He is currently working on improving the performance of Ruby by optimizing the memory layout through the Variable Width Allocation project. He is the author of ruby_memcheck, a gem used to find memory leaks in native gems. It has found memory leaks in popular gems such as Nokogiri, protobuf, gRPC, and liquid-c.

Hi there 👋 My name is Samuel and I'm from New Zealand. I like cats, programming, and coffee. I am a Ruby core committer. Creator of Async framework & Falcon web server. I'm currently working on improving Ruby's model for concurrency and building libraries to support highly scalable applications.

Soutaro is the developer of Steep static type checker, the designer of RBS, a Ruby committer, and working for Block.

Stan is a senior developer at Shopify and is a major contributor of the Ruby debugger. He and his teammates at the Ruby Developer Experience Team are dedicated to helping Ruby developers feel happy and productive.

He is a free software programmer, the president of ClearCode Inc and Apache Arrow PMC (Project Management Committee) chair. He is a leading specialist of Apache Arrow and Ruby in the world. ClearCode Inc. is hiring an employee who wants to develop Apache Arrow for Ruby.

Takashi Kokubun is a Staff Developer at Shopify, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a Ruby committer, he has worked on JIT compilers for Ruby for 5 years. He optimizes YJIT at work and MJIT in his spare time.

Uchio is a plain-old Rubyist and a novice Rustacean. A member of Server Infrastructure & Live Streaming Team @ Mirrativ, Inc. "Hacker" Supporter of Fukuoka Engineer's Café. Uchio has got a grant from Ruby Association in 2019 over developing a gem named RbBCC, a BPF toolchain for Ruby. He also has developed some gems and talked on his works in past RubyKaigis.

Vladimir Makarov is a software developer. His major interests lay in algorithms, programming languages, compilers and JITs. Vladimir finished Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and got his PhD in computer science in the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1993. Last 25 years he has been working on GCC at RedHat. Vladimir started his work on Ruby MRI in 2015. His MRI projects were new hash tables and implementation of new VM instructions and JIT. Vladimir lives in Toronto, Canada.

A Programmer using Ruby and Rails living in Tokyo, Japan. One of founders of Everyleaf Corporation.

Yuji is a software developer based in Adelaide, South Australia. He is originally from Tokyo, Japan. He used to be a Windows desktop application developer until he discovered Ruby.

He is a Ruby Programmer at READYFOR, inc. He has been fascinated by Ruby for 10 years. He feels the potential of RBS and his goal is to "Type Everywhere".
- RubyKaja2014
- Tokyo RubyKaigi11 talker
- RejectKaigi2018 MVP
- MAX X Power 2424 くコ:彡

'A full-time MRI committer at Cookpad Inc. He has been interested in testing, analyzing, abusing of Ruby. He is an advocate of "transcendental programming" that creates a useless program like this bio. (~~)'.yield_self{|s|eval(t=%q(puts"'#{s.sub(?~,"~_")}'.yield_self{|s|eval(t=%q(#{t}))}"))}

Web application developer working in Tokyo as a freelance.

Yuta Kurotaki is Software Engineer at SUZURI of GMO Pepabo, Inc. He is interested in Human Computer Interaction, Blockchain, Drums. He is also interested in the Ethereum ecosystem and maintains the Ethereum Ruby library (eth.rb).

My name is Hiroki Mori. やもり(YAMORI) is my network nicname. It is Yet Anothor MORI. I was started computer with i8080 at 1980. This is made by solder. My first UNIX is 4.3 BSD on OMRON LUNA at 1988. I still use FreeBSD now. I work on ZRouter.org development start from 2015. This is build environment for small mips module by FreeBSD.