
Alexandre Terrasa
Alexandre Terrasa
  • @Morriar

Alexandre has a PhD in computer science and specializes in typing specifications and implementations. He currently works as a Senior Staff Engineer on the Ruby and Rails Infrastructure team at Shopify. He uses his expertise for the adoption of better Ruby tooling and practices including Sorbet and gradual typing. He previously worked as a core developer on the Nit language for which he implemented parts of the compiler, libraries and tools.

Inline RBS comments for seamless type checking with Sorbet

In this talk, we'll explore how integrating the RBS parser into Sorbet allows us to include type information as comments directly into our Ruby code. This integration enables fast type checking with an appealing syntax while enhancing type safety and code navigation for large-scale projects.

We'll discuss the improvements we made to the ruby/rbs parser, which can now function without the need for the RubyVM. This enhancement not only makes it compatible with Sorbet but also opens the door for use from other C/C++/Rust tools.

We'll also showcase our tool to automatically convert Sorbet RBI signatures into RBS comments, addressing some of the differences and challenges between the two syntaxes.

Join us to discover how Sorbet and RBS can work together to elevate your Ruby development experience.