
Martin J. Dürst
Martin J. Dürst
  • @duerst

Martin is a Professor of Computer Science at Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan. He has been one of the main drivers of Internationalization (I18N) and the use of Unicode on the Web and the Internet. He published the first proposals for DNS I18N and NFC character normalization, and is the main author of the W3C Character Model and the IRI specification (RFC 3987). Since 2007, he and his students have contributed to the implementation of Ruby, mostly in the area of I18N.

Joichiro Okoshi
Joichiro Okoshi
  • @joetake

Joichiro is a senior at the Department of Integrated Information Technology, College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University. He will start the Master Course in the Intelligence and Information Course, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University, in April 2025. His main research interest is design and implementation of programming languages.

Write you a Barrier - Automatic Insertion of Write Barriers

Currently, inserting write barriers into C extension code for Ruby is difficult and error-prone. We present a new tool that we created to add or check for write barriers automatically. We explain the benefits of using the tool for C extension creation, give implementation details, and show the tool's limitations.