
Alex Rodionov
Alex Rodionov

Alex is a quality architect with 15+ years of experience, a Ruby maintainer of the Selenium project, and an author of the Ruby language support in Bazel. He worked with engineers from Apple, Google, Figma, and Stripe on their adoption of Bazel and Ruby.

Bazel for Ruby

From Apple, Google, and Nvidia to Airbnb, Figma, and Stripe - top companies use Bazel to power their builds. Nowadays, with canonical support for Ruby language, Bazel isn't just for Java and C++ anymore!

Learn how Bazel can transform the development experience in your Ruby projects! We'll talk about leveraging Bazel's speed, scalability, and reliability to streamline your workflows, improve code quality, make tests blazing fast, and boost developer productivity:

  • Seamlessly integrate Bazel with popular tools and frameworks like Rails, RSpec, and RuboCop.
  • Optimize test execution from minutes to seconds.
  • Integrate remote caching and execution to supercharge your development and CI pipelines.
  • Manage dependencies with ease and precision, ensuring consistent and reproducible builds.
  • Unlock advanced build features like hermeticity and fine-grained invalidation.

Leave this session with the knowledge and resources you need to start using Bazel in your Ruby projects today!