

Rubyist, Rustacean wannabe, and system programming novice. Working as a product engineer at SmartHR, Inc. Writer of "mruby system programming (Japanese)" and one of translators on the Japanese edition of "Learning eBPF." Organizer of Fukuoka.rb "2nd season." RubyKaigi speaker since 2016, RubyKaigi local organizer in 2019 (@Fukuoka).

Running ruby.wasm on Pure Ruby WASM Runtime

The speaker has developed a WebAssembly(WASM) runtime named Wardite, which is implemented entirely in pure Ruby. Wardite implements core WASM specifications and instructions, enabling the successful execution of ruby.wasm with basic Ruby functionalities. This talk will explore the technical challenges of implementing a WASM runtime in pure Ruby and problems encountered during development. Key topics include the implementation of WASI preview 1 support, performance enhancements using ruby-prof and perf, and WASM core specification compliance testing. The talk will provide a comprehensive overview of the progress made so far and the future directions for Wardite, highlighting its potential impact on the Ruby and WebAssembly ecosystems. Attendees will gain insights into the current status of Wardite, its architecture, and the approaches taken to efficiently implement WebAssembly runtime in Ruby.