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The future of the bigdecimal library and the number system of Ruby


Kenta Murata (GeneticLab Co., Ltd. && Ruby Sapporo)


I taked over the maintainer of the bigdecimal standard library in the beginning of this year. Today, the bigdecimal library has some problems in its behaviors, such as interacting convention with any other number classes. In this presentation, I will demonstrate these problematic behaviors and express their appropriate characteristics in the next version of Ruby. Additionally, I will discuss the number system which the future version of Ruby, that is 2.0, should have.


    2010-08-29 09:30 - 10:00


    Convention Hall 200

    Speaker Profile

    mrkn, Kenta Murata (Genetic Lab Co., Ltd.)
    Kenta is a Ruby committer, who manages the bigdecimal library, and is interested in numerical computation, programming languages, random number generators, and complex networks.
    He obtained his Ph.D. (Information science) from Hokkaido University in 2009.
    Also, he is an author of a Japanese book titled "Ruby 逆引きレシピ".
    Finally, he is a member of Ruby Sapporo, Nihon Ruby-no-kai, and Kosen Conference Committee.

    Spoken Language


    Presentation Material



    Nico Nico Douga
