How Did Yarv2llvm Fail
Hideki Miura (CSNagoya)
Yarv2llvm is a translator which converts instruciton set of VM of CRuby (aka YARV) into llvm. The feature of yarv2llvm is to use the type inference for raising the execution efficiency of generated llvm. Yarv2llvm get a results. For example it executes the program for computing fibonacci number 40 times faster than Ruby1.9. But it was clarified to be able not to convert all Ruby programs into llvm well either though it had expected beforehand. I will show the example of programming Ruby that cannot be converted with yarv2llvm well and the settlement plan. In addition I will introduce the outline of the next generation translator (ytl) that I am developing to support all specification of Ruby.
2010-08-29 10:30 - 11:00
Convention Hall 200
Speaker Profile
Hideki Miura (CSNagoya)
My job is pipework. I develop software as my hobby. You can see my products in .
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