Lightning Talks
BackRecorded video

From String#undump to String#unescape
A mere rubyist who uses Ruby for 17 years. Original implementer of String#undump.

Rib - Yet another interactive Ruby shell
A Ruby developer from Taiwan who worked on several monolithic Rails app. Hobbies include traveling, developing 2ch-like imageboard, and to draw manga.

Create libcsv based ruby/csv compatible CSV library

Improve JSON performance
Engineer at Ubiregi, Inc. A newbie of ruby committer.

Improve Red Chainer and Numo::NArray performance
I am a software engineer. I am the RBPDF gem owner of the PDF library used by Redmine. I am the author of which converts to Ruby using Python AST..

Using Tamashii Connect Real World with Chatbot
Game Developer / 5xruby's Rails Developer, current is focused on interactive design and game.

Find out potential dead codes from diff
Software engineer at Cookpad Inc.

Test asynchronous functions with RSpec
A Software Engineer with long development experience about web application with Ruby or JavaScript or else. I mainly create an application for my customer companies. I often create a system that has an asynchronous WebSocket server and a browser frontend.

To refine or not to refine
Vladimir is a mathematician who found his happiness in programming Ruby and Erlang, contributing to open source and being an Evil Martian. Author of AnyCable, TestProf and many yet unknown ukulele melodies.

5-Minute Recipe of Todo-app
Software engineer at Retrieva inc. Author of Hyalite which is react like virtual DOM library. Member of Asakusa.rb, Chidoriashi.rb

Symbolic Execution of Ruby Programs
Lead Engineer at iCHEF. Ruby lover. Full-stack developer. Organizer of Swift Taipei. iOS developer. FP lover.

Schrödinger's branch
Ruby Committer: * Windows port maintainer * Stable versions maintainer