Keynote Speakers

The Creator of Ruby

He is a free software programmer and the president of ClearCode Inc. He is also the namer of ClearCode Inc. The origin of the company name is "clear code". We will be programmers that code clear code as our company name suggests. He is interested in how to tell other programmers about how he codes clear code.

Benoit Daloze is a PhD student in Linz, Austria, researching concurrency in Ruby with TruffleRuby for the past several years. He has contributed to many Ruby implementations, including MRI, TruffleRuby and JRuby. He is the maintainer of ruby/spec, a test suite for the behavior of the Ruby programming language.

Aaron is on the Ruby core team, the Rails core team, and the team that takes care of his cat, Gorby puff. Someday he will find the perfect safety gear to wear while extreme programming.

I'm Hanami core developer and an indie developer from Moscow. I work on different open source projects and builds Space-Rocket ships at night.

Bozhidar is the author of RuboCop and the editor of the community Ruby and Rails style guides. Most people would probably describe him as an Emacs zealot (and they would be right). He's also quite fond of the Lisp family of languages, functional programming in general and Clojure in particular. Believe it or not, Bozhidar has hobbies and interests outside the realm of computers, but we won't bore with those here.

By day, Chase is a full-stack developer at Power Auctions working with Ember, Rails, and Elixir/Phoenix. As a former aircraft electronics technician he's still an electronics geek at heart. Chase is a hardware hacker, building tiny homemade quadcopters and tinkering with embedded applications. He has also been an active voice in the Ember.js community as a host of the EmberWeekend podcast. He's a recent transplant to Austin, TX. so come say howdy!

CRuby committers all stars

Dmitry works on developer productivity at Stripe, making it easy to confidently write maintainable, fast, and reliable code at Stripe by improving language, core abstractions, tools and educational materials. Before this, Dmitry worked on Scala compiler and parallel collection library.

My name is Edouard, I'm a production engineer in the Rails team at Shopify. One of the many project our team has to work on is keeping our monolith up to date. Before that I was working in the Payments team at Shopify where I was helping to define the future of payments on the web.

Emma is a developer advocate for Google Cloud Platform, focusing on application developers experience. She is trying to make Cloud adorable for everyone through events, demos, and online content. Emma was a site reliability engineer at a mobile game company companies before coming to Google. Besides software engineering, shes likes games, traveling, and eating delicious food. She has also been working with the Rails Girls community in Japan and teaching Rails to future developers.

Eric Hodel is a ruby committer and maintainer of many gems. He works at Fastly building developer tools that allow his coworkers to work on distributed teams with minimum difficulty.

Ezekiel Templin has worked with people to build systems using networked computers for most of the last 20 years. He also works at Fastly building developer and deployment tools.

Genadi is a Ruby developer from Sofia, Bulgaria and the maintainer of the web-console gem. Works for Rhyme (https://rhyme.com) where he takes part in changing the way in-person and online trainings are held.

A member of Ruby core team. Rake, rdoc, psych, ruby-build, etc. and He is an administrator of ruby-lang.org and supports to develop the environment of Ruby language. He is also Executive Officer in GMO Pepabo, Inc. His most interest things are “Productivity” He believes, there's business value in fun.

Programmer of Monstar Lab at Shimane office

Software Engineer in Fastly

Repro inc. CTO Ruby/Rails Programmer

Julian is a Production Engineer at Shopify working on developer productivity and experience. Working on the Shopify application, one of the larger Ruby apps out there, has provided a good look into performance related topics in the Ruby ecosystem that he is anxious to share.


Ruby's godfather.

Keita graduated from the Department of Integrated Information Technology, College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University, in March 2018. He is currently a Master Course Student in the Intelligence and Information Course, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University. His main research interest is design and implementation of programming languages.

Member of SIAF LAB. Contributor/Translator of Sonic Pi. Software engineer at Farmnote.

A full-time CRuby committer at Speee Inc. I'm currently focusing on making Ruby a data-science-ready programming language.

I started using Ruby back in the Ruby 1.6 days, and I have used it in my daily professional life ever since. I'm fascinated by issues of application design, distributed architecture, and making hard things easy. I was also the last Ruby 1.8.6 maintainer. For entertainment, I read studies on exercise and nutrition physiology, and I like to run and bicycle long distances. This year will include my first 50k and 50m running races, and at least one 75 mile gravel bike race.

Koichi ITO is an OSS Programmer, a committer of activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter, Rails Contributors Top 100, and Senior Leader at Eiwa System Management, Inc. He is a practitioner of Ruby/Rails application development with eXtreme Programming for over 10 years.

Koichi Sasada is a programmer, mainly developing Ruby interpreter (CRuby/MRI). He received Ph.D (Information Science and Technology) from the University of Tokyo, 2007. He became a faculty of University of Tokyo (Assistant associate 2006-2008, Assistant professor 2008-2012). After the 13 years life in university, he joined Heroku, Inc. Now he is a member of Cookpad Inc (2017-). He is also a director of Ruby Association.

I'm a software architect and engineer working with Castle.io. I have experience in a wide variety of business applications built using multiple Ruby frameworks. I’m particularly interested in code quality assurance and the way it affects the software development process. I’m an active OSS contributor and maintainer of various projects including Karafka – Framework used to simplify Apache Kafka-based Ruby applications development.

A freelance developper fond of refactoring, fixing things and reducing technical debt – ideally all at once. He loves coding in Ruby and can't resist telling others how to do it properly – on Github, StackOverflow or at conferences around the world. This incontrollable desire to do things right led him into all sorts of trouble, including becoming a MRI committer. He coauthored DeepCover for Ruby.

Martin is a Professor of Computer Science at Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan. He has been one of the main drivers of Internationalization (I18N) and the use of Unicode on the Web and the Internet. He published the first proposals for DNS I18N and for NFC character normalization, and is the main author of the W3C Character Model and the IRI specification (RFC 3987). Since 2007, he and his students have contributed to the implementation of Ruby, mostly in the area of I18N.

Software Engineer at SideCI, Inc. / RuboCop core developer

Masatoshi Seki is a Ruby committer and the author of several Ruby standard libraries including dRuby, ERB, and Rinda. He’s an expert in object-oriented programming, distributed systems, and eXtreme programming. He has been speaking at RubyKaigi every year since 2006 when the Kaigi first started.

I'm a chief engineer and chief researcher at Pepabo Research and Development Institute, GMO Pepabo, Inc.

A CRuby and Fluentd committer working at DeNA. Recently working on development of DNN framework.

Nelson is a software engineer who enjoys working and learning at any and all levels of the stack. He currently works on developer productivity at Stripe. Previously, he's worked on live kernel patching at Ksplice, built super-fast code search for https://livegrep.com/, and generally dived deep into systems and the Linux kernel.

Noah is a Ruby Fellow for AppFolio, working on Ruby performance and related tooling. He wrote the book "Rebuilding Rails" about understanding Rails as just Ruby metaprogramming.

Lifelong nerd and engineer. Nowadays he works at Stripe mostly on developer productivity and infrastructural components like rate limiters, core abstractions, large code refactors and language design. In the past he helped build HHVM and Hack at Facebook, worked on the Open Graph and changed your search results to not just be 10 blue links.

Software engineer by day, open sourcer by night, mathematician by design and human languages enthusiast by life, Piotr has released many open source projects such as tty, finite_machine, github_api. In recent years, Piotr has been obsessively thinking about optimising Ruby terminal applications development.

Prasun is involved with different open-source projects aimed at super fast Scientific Computing on Ruby and D. He worked with SciRuby as a GSoC student in 2016, 2017 and a Ruby Grant recepient. He worked on JRuby port of NMatrix and is currently work on creating GPGPU libraries for D and Ruby. Currently he is working with Genenetwork on softwares for high performance genome analysis and RbCUDA gem.

Sameer is a Master's degree student at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and a contributor to the Ruby Science Foundation, where he helps build scientific computation tools in Ruby. He is currently maintaining daru and rubex. He enjoys spending spare time with friends, books and his bass guitar.

OSS developer/maintainer: Fluentd, Norikra, MessagePack-Ruby, Woothee and many others mainly about Web services, data collecting and distributed/streaming data processing. Living in Tokyo, and day job is for Treasure Data.

A Ruby committer, Director of Network Applied Communication Laboratory, and Secretary general of the Ruby Association

Soutaro is CTO at SideCI, a code review automation service. The position is ideal for him because it allows testing his analyzers with its customers by adding new tool support.

Ruby/Rails developer, cat and boxing lover. Currently working at ticketsolve (https://www.ticketsolve.com) as a Rails developer. And develop Goby language (https://github.com/goby-lang/goby) after work 😎

A Ruby committer working at Treasure Data, who is maintaining ERB, Haml and Hamlit.

mruby pull-requester Works at Fusic Co. Ltd

Terence leads Heroku’s Ruby Task Force curating the Ruby experience on the platform. He's worked on some OSS projects such as Ruby (the language), mruby, Bundler, Resque, as well as helping with the Rails Girls movement. When he’s not going to an awesome Heroku or Ruby event, he lives in Austin, TX, the taco capital of America. Terence loves Friday hugs, EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! Give him a big one when you see him! In addition to hugs, he believes in getting people together for #rubykaraoke.

Scalone has 12 years of career 10 of them with Ruby and 7 of them with C on payments. Ruby lover and active participant of Brazilian Ruby community.

Rural coder. Author of Kiba ETL, a lightweight data processing framework (http://www.kiba-etl.org).

Thomas Enebo co-leads the JRuby project. He has been passionately working on JRuby for many years. When not working on JRuby, he is writing Ruby applications, playing with Java, and enjoying a decent beer.

A 10 y.o. Rubyist, Containers and cloud-native tech freak, system programming novice. One of the writers of books "Perfect Ruby" / "Perfect Ruby on Rails" (both in Japanese). He lives in Fukuoka - the "coast" city of "west" Japan, works at GMO Pepabo, Inc. as SRE/R&D/Dev Productivity Engineer, and holds Fukuoka.rb local meetup. He also is an organizer of RailsGirls Fukuoka #1.

A mathematician found his happiness in programming Ruby and Erlang, contributing to open source, mentoring Rails devs and being an Evil Martian. Author of AnyCable and TestProf.

Vladimir Makarov is a software developer. His major interests lay in algorithms, programming languages, compilers and JITs. Vladimir finished Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and got his PhD in computer science in Russian Academy of Sciences. Last 20 years he has been working on GCC in RedHat. Vladimir started his work on Ruby MRI in 2015. His MRI projects are new hash tables and ongoing implementation of new VM instructions and MJIT. Vladimir lives in Toronto, Canada.

Software engineer at Retrieva, inc. Author of Hyalite which is react like virtual DOM library. Member of Asakusa.rb, Chidoriashi.rb

Ruby committer.

"nora" mrubyist. A member of Team Yamanekko. A member of TOPPERS Project.

I'm working at Speee Inc. Red Data Tools project member. my blog is here => http://hatappi.hateblo.jp/

'A full-time MRI committer at Cookpad, Inc. He has been interested in testing, analyzing, abusing of Ruby. He is an advocate of "transcendental programming" that creates a useless program like this bio. (`_`)'.yield_self{|s|eval(t=%q(puts"'#{s.sub(?_,?_+?_)}'.yield_self{|s|eval(t=%q(#{t}))}"))}

Senior Software Engineer at GMO Pepabo, Inc. Interested in Human Information Processing, Human Computer Interaction, FinTech.