
Thiago Scalone
Thiago Scalone

Scalone has 12 years of career 10 of them with Ruby and 7 of them with C on payments. Ruby lover and active participant of Brazilian Ruby community.

20k MRuby devices in production

I've changed an entire solid runtime for mRuby, and for 3 years, even if is not recommend, we've been running mRuby in production reaching 20k machines and billons of dollars in payment transactions. We faced a lot of problems, but even more benefits adopting mRuby. This talk is about those topics, like:

  • Runtime and application Update/Upgrade
  • Communication configuration and intelligence
  • Payment transaction security and cryptography
  • Concurrency
  • Code sharing between CRuby and mRuby
  • Memory management and leaks
  • Open Source

Presentation Material

Recorded video