COVID-19 policy and health measures
The following policy applies to all attendees attending RubyKaigi 2023 in-person, including speakers, organizers, and booth staff.
In summary:
- Masks are always required. We encourage use of disposable masks.
We’re continuously monitoring the situation of COVID-19 and considering changes in the policy as needed. We’ll announce any changes in this policy at our Twitter and in emails.
Non Japan based attendees
Updated to our current understanding of government policy as of 1 May 2023
The border restriction has been much relaxed since RubyKaigi 2022, including resume of visa waiver program. We welcome all attendees from abroad as long as they follow Japanese government policy.
Starting 29 Apr 2023, Japanese borders no longer request arriving passenger to present or pre-register COVID-19 vaccination and test certificate. Preregistration of Visit Japan Web form is still recommended for paperless process though but no longer a requirement.
For details refer to
All attendees are recommended to be fully vaccinated (with all possible boosters).
At the venue
Temperature check
Attendees must check their temperature when entering the conference venue. Non-contact thermometers will be available at the door.
All attendees must wear a mask at the conference venue. Masks may be removed while eating and drinking.
Attendees may provide their own mask, or use a mask provided by the conference. Conference staff may ask you to replace a mask if the mask considered not complying with our policy.
And speakers may remove their mask when giving a talk during their session.
Masks have to cover your nose and mouth. Face shields, bandannas, and masks with ventilation are not allowed. We encourage use of disposable masks instead of reusable ones and you may be asked to replace if you’re using a reusable one.
Social distancing
All attendees should maintain social distancing (staying away at least 1 meter from other people) while at the conference venue.
Other measures
- Hand sanitizers are available throughout the conference venue.
- RubyKaigi will regularly conduct sanitizing of shared items and desks in the venue where possible.
Positive case reports during conference
We plan to announce existence of positive cases and possible close contacts on Twitter, and relevant Email list as soon as we acknowledge them. People who tested positive or identified as a close contact, are not allowed to enter the venue.
Unless we’re instructed to cancel the in-person conference from government agency, or the venue, we plan to continue the conference normally.
If we need to cancel the in-person conference, we would switch the conference to full-virtual and the further access to the venue would be restricted to the speakers and conference staff. And we don’t refund any tickets for this case.
If you tested positive, or identified as a close contact
If you tested positive, or identified as a close contact during the conference or within 2 weeks after the conference, please report to
We never share the details of the case to other attendees. The only exception is the requests from government agencies; see below.
Note that we don’t allow people who tested positive or a possible close contact to enter in-person venue, and we’ll offer partial refund for them (if reported during the conference).
We may provide a contact list of all attendees to government agencies when requested, in case of COVID-19 suspicious breakout at the conference.
Violations against this policy, including failure to comply, may result into a ban from the conference venue or decline of entry. We do not refund any ticket even in case of policy violation.
- 1 May 2023: Updated travel guide
- 9 February 2023:
- We decided temperature check to happen using non-contact thermometer when entering the venue.
- Masks still must be worn while in the venue, but removed the language “(even at outside)”. The government is no longer requesting people to wear a mask at outside.
- Speakers may now remove a mask when giving a talk, even when multiple speakers are on a stage.
- December 2022: Initial revision.
COVID-19 に関するポリシーと対応方針について
RubyKaigi 2023 では COVID-19 対応として、全参加者 (スピーカー、ブーススタッフ、オーガナイザー・スタッフを含む) に下記ポリシーを遵守してもらうとともに、RubyKaigi 2023 チームは後述する方針で感染対策を行います。
- マスクの着用が必須です。 使い捨てマスク (不織布マスク) の利用をお願いします。
RubyKaigi 2023 チームは常にCOVID-19 の状況について注視していて、ポリシーや方針については必要に応じて変更されます。変更については Twitter @RubyKaigi また E メールにて随時アナウンスします。
2023/5/1 時点の情報に更新しました
日本への入国は RubyKaigi 2022 時点より容易になっています (ビザ免除の再開を含む)。RubyKaigi 2023 は全ての国外からの参加者を歓迎します。
2023/4/29 より日本入国時に COVID-19 の陰性証明書、ワクチン接種証明書いずれも提示・登録が 不要 になりました。 Visit Japan Web の事前登録はペーパーレスな手続きのため引き続き推奨されます。
詳細は を確認してください。
参加者はマスクを持参するか、RubyKaigi チームが用意しているものを利用することができます (なるべく持参してください)。スタッフが不適格とみなしたマスクについて、RubyKaigi チームより提供されたマスクへの取り替えを求めることがあります。
マスクは鼻と口を覆う必要があります。フェイスシールド、バンダナ、また通気孔がついたマスクは認められません。使い捨てマスク (不織布マスク) の利用を推奨します。それ以外のマスクについては不織布マスクへの取り替えをお願いする場合があります。
全参加者は会場において可能な限り他の参加者から 1m 以上離れること (ソーシャルディスタンス) が求められます。
- 各所にアルコール消毒液を用意します。
- 可能な範囲で定期的に共有物や机の消毒を行います。
会期中の陽性報告や、濃厚接触者については Twitter や E メールでのアナウンスを予定しています。陽性者、濃厚接触者は会場に入ることが認められません。
会期中、もしくは会期後 2 週間以内に陽性、もしくは濃厚接触者と認められた場合 までご連絡ください。陽性・濃厚接触者の詳細については口外いたしません (政府・自治体からの依頼を除く; 下記参照)。
RubyKaigi 2023 チームは、政府・自治体や保健所から求められた場合に参加者リストを提供します。
- 2023/05/01: トラベルガイドを更新
- 2023/02:
- 会場の扉に非接触式体温計を設置し、入場の際に体温チェックを求めることを決定しました。
- 会場内でのマスクの着用は引き続き必須ですが、屋外でのマスク着用について本ポリシーでは求めないことにしました (厚生労働省の推奨に従っています)。
- スピーカーは登壇の際、複数人が登壇していてもマスクを着用する必要はありません。
- 2022/12 初版