
Richard Huang
Richard Huang
  • @flyerhzm

As the creator of Synvert, I'm a senior software engineer with a passion for code quality, server performance, and scalability. I enjoy giving back to the open source community.

Find and Replace Code based on AST

When we want to find and replace code, we usually search by plain text or regular expression, it's quick for simple cases, but I'd like to share with you how to do a much more powerful and accurate find and replace based on AST.

I have built synvert for years, it allows you to write snippet code to rewrite ruby code, it provides CLI, GUI, and VSCode extension, and it can automatically generate snippets, so even junior developers can rewrite code based on AST at will.

You'll learn how to query and mutate code based on AST node. You'll also learn how to use synvert GUI to rewrite your code even if you don't have any idea about AST.

Presentation Material

Recorded video