

OSS programmer, Ruby committer, maintainer of many OSS such as ruby, rubygems, bundler, rake, and administrator of He is working in public relations of technology for ANDPAD Inc. and full time OSS developer for the Ruby programming language.

Long journey of Ruby standard library

Ruby has a lot of standard libraries from Ruby 1.8. I promote them democratically with GitHub today via default and bundled gems. So, I'm working to extract them for Ruby 3.4 continuously and future versions. It's long journey for me.

After that, some versions may suddenly happen LoadError at require when running bundle exec or bin/rails, for example matrix or net-smtp. We need to learn what's difference default/bundled gems with standard libraries.

In this presentation, I will introduce what's the difficult to extract bundled gems from default gems and the details of the functionality that Ruby's require and bundle exec with default/bundled gems. You can learn how handle your issue about standard libraries.

Presentation Material

Recorded video