RubyKaigi 2020 has been cancelled.
RubyKaigi is an international conference on the Ruby programming language.
Once a year, Rubyists from all around the world converge in Japan, Ruby's birthplace, for the world's largest and most well-known Ruby gathering. Held almost every year since 2006 with English and Japanese as its official languages, RubyKaigi acts as a hub for the international Ruby community to meet and share ideas. This year's RubyKaigi (2020) marks the 14th event in the series and will be held over a 3-day period starting on September 3rd at Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre. Speakers will include well-known Ruby developers from Japan and around the world, including Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz), the creator of Ruby himself. Don't miss the fun at this year's one-and-only Rubyist gathering!