
Benoit Daloze
Benoit Daloze

Benoit Daloze is the lead of TruffleRuby at Oracle Labs. He did a PhD on concurrency in Ruby with TruffleRuby. He has contributed to many Ruby implementations, including TruffleRuby, MRI and JRuby. He is the maintainer of ruby/spec, a test suite for the behavior of the Ruby programming language.

Running Rack and Rails Faster with TruffleRuby

Optimizing Rack and Rails applications with a just-in-time (JIT) compiler is a challenge. For example, MJIT does not speed up Rails currently. TruffleRuby tackles this challenge. We have been running the Rails Simpler Benchmarks with TruffleRuby and now achieve higher performance than any other Ruby implementation.

In this talk we’ll show how we got there and what TruffleRuby optimizations are useful for Rack and Rails applications. TruffleRuby is getting ready to speed up your applications, will you try it?