"nora" mrubyist. A member of Team Yamanekko. A member of TOPPERS Project.
Masayoshi Takahashi is an old-time Rubyist and the founder of Nihon Ruby no Kai, a non-profit Ruby community in Japan. He is also the founder of Tatsu-Zine Publising, the e-book publisher for IT engineers in Japan.
Writing mruby bytecode by yourself
Unlike MRI, mruby uses a binary bytecode format file "*.mrb". When we build the mruby processor, we compile the standard Ruby libraries with the mrbc bytecode compiler.
On the other hand, there are few tools to support this bytecode format. This presentation proposes an assembly language for bytecode, and introduce an assembler for converting assembly language to bytecode and a disassembler for converting bytecode to assembly language. Then try editing the bytecode directly using them.